Nature's Grapplers...Get In Touch With Your Wild Side

Quality Jiu Jitsu GI's

Browse our collection of high quality jiu jitsu gi's and apparel for all your martial arts needs.


Nature's Grapplers

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Most would credit the samurai warriors for creating Jiu Jitsu sometime near the 1100's, but the art of grappling has existed as long as creatures have been on earth. Wild animals like the apes, cats, alligators, snakes and many more have fought on the ground, often to the death, long before the samurai.

Kingdom GI's is trying to capture that animalistic spirit to fight, to win, in the design of our gi's and our logo. Built to withstand the daily rigors of hard training, while keeping you light and mobile. Our gis are designed to provide a great look and fit for both men and women.

Happy Customers

The jiu jitsu gi I bought from Kingdom Gi's is top-notch. It fits perfectly and is incredibly durable. Highly recommended!

Our Story

At Kingdom Gi's, we believe in providing martial artists with the highest quality GI's and apparel. We couldn't find GI's with the quality and look that we wanted at a price we could afford, so we started a company to build exactly that. Our products are designed to enhance performance and withstand the rigors of training, while always keeping you moving freely and looking good! We're just a white belt and a blue belt that are filled with that anamalistic grappling spirit and want to spread that to all that we can. Grow with us...roll with us.

Contact Us

Contact us for questions or help needed